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Nursery Fees are reviewed in February of each year and put in to place for April. All Holiday’s, Bank Holiday’s, Early Closures and Sick days are charged at full rate.

  • Full Time £300 (M-F)
  • Full Day £60 (8-6)
  • Am £30 (8-1)
  • PM £30 (1-6)

Please notify the Nursery if your child is to be absent for any reason ill/holiday. Fees are charged in full.

Fees must be paid in advance, weekly or monthly, by standing order or cash, cheques will not be accepted. If paying weekly please pay on the first session that your child attends.

2 weeks notice is required when changing your sessions or withdrawing your child from Nursery. Though increase in days can start with immediate effect.

Holiday Care

We are able to offer holiday care for children currently attending nursery, but this is to be pre-booked with senior staff.  This is charged at the normal rates, though we open for shorter hours of 8:00am – 4:00pm.

Nursery education grant

Nursery can gain government funding for your child the term after their 2nd Birthday, if your circumstance meet the criteria. All children are entitled to the FEEE funding the term after their 3rd Birthday; the nursery Manager will automatically sort this claim for you.

30 Hour Offer

We are happy to offer our working parents the 30 hour free childcare if they are able to provide nursery with the appropriate information and code.

Childcare vouchers

We accept childcare vouchers, but you have to arrange this with your employer and then inform nursery.

Universal credits

If you work more than 16 hours per week you may be entitled to the child care element of Working Tax Credit. If you have any questions, please speak to the Manager, Deputy or ring WFTC on 0845 300 39 00

Additional information